"Code 8: Part II," directed by Jeff Chan and starring Robbie Amell, Stephen Amell, Alex Mallari Jr., and Sirena Gulamgaus, tells the story of a young woman's quest for justice after her brother is killed by corrupt police officers. She teams up with an ex-convict and his former associate as they confront a highly respected and heavily guarded police sergeant who is determined to evade accountability.
“Code 8: Part II” is a Canadian science fiction action film released in 2024, serving as a sequel to the 2019 movie “Code 8.” Directed by Jeff Chan, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Chris Paré, Sherren Lee, and Jesse LaVercombe, the film features Robbie Amell and Stephen Amell reprising their roles as Connor Reed and Garrett Kelton from the original film. Additionally, Sirena Gulamgaus, Altair Vincent, Alex Mallari Jr., Moe Jeudy-Lamour, Aaron Abrams, and Jean Yoon star in the movie.
“Code 8: Part II” premiered on Netflix on February 28, 2024.
Movie info
Movie Name - Code 8: Part II
Release Date - 28 February, 2024
Genre - Action, Thriller
Verdict - Hit
Movie Casts & Crew
Robbie Amell
Stephen Amell
Alex Mallari...
Jeff Chan
Official Teaser
Official Trailer
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